Neeti Dewan – An author, an entrepreneur, and a dynamic businesswoman

Neeti Dewan – An author, an entrepreneur, and a dynamic businesswoman | Enterprise Wired

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We talk about Neeti Dewan in the search for appreciative and active money managers.

Ms. Dewan, a pioneer in the field of human relations, is the chair of Atlanta Women on Boards 2020, is on the board of the Harvard University Kennedy School (WLB), and previously held the position of chief financial officer on the board of the National Association of Women Business Owners. The National Diversity Council named Neeti Dewan one of the “Most Influential and Powerful Women” in Pennsylvania and Atlanta, while the Los Angeles Business Journal referred to her as “Lady Making A Difference” and “Lady Making A Difference” respectively. She received the “Independent Company Accountant Advocate of the Year Award” as the CEO of her counseling business.

Neeti Dewan is a co-donor and the board chair of the SaaS stage company SYMMR.

Neeti Dewan is an inspiration for young women in business and has outlined financial experts and money managers in the same way. The innovative and forward-thinking business book “From Executive to Yogi in Sixty Seconds” was written by Neeti Dewan. One high-ranking executive praised the book as “the apparatus Corporate America has been waiting for to help spur and retain its best workers,” and another noted that it “shows chiefs how to lead with enthusiasm and commitment towards productivity.” Undeniable Level Leadership, Low-Level Stress: How to Win in Business without Flying Off the Handle will be her next book, and it will be released soon.

During a discussion with Neeti Dewan. We ought to know about her noteworthy experiences and learn about her professional workflow.

Tell us about the organization and what inspired you to start it.

The Corporate Yogi Everywhere I go, people tell me how much strain they are under in their daily lives. They are unable to participate in daily activities and struggle to balance their obligations to their families and jobs. I founded this company to help people rediscover their joy in life, achieve unparalleled success in their careers and businesses, and free themselves from the grind for themselves as well as their friends and family.

Neeti Dewan additionally serves as Club Car, LLC’s Global Head of Tax. Club Car, based in Augusta, Georgia, is a global manufacturer of golf cars, utility vehicles, personal transportation vehicles, and other low-speed cars, including every single electric model, as well as associated resellers exchange parts and services. Club Car manufactures a growing range of products for consumers and commercial clients, including hotels and resorts, school grounds, airlines, amusement parks, and rental companies, in addition to its management of armada golf cars.

What products or services does the organization prioritize? What sets your services apart from those that are searching?

“From Executive to Yogi in 60 Seconds” is the title of my most memorable book, and my upcoming book is titled “Undeniable Level Leadership, Low-Level Stress – How to Win in Business Without Losing Your Mind.”

Our preparedness helps chiefs take control of their lives. Our focus is on helping you understand how to manage your psyche, and once you do, you’ll find that managing your career, business, family, people, circumstances, and whatever else life throws at you becomes much easier. It aids people in being assertive and taking charge of the tasks they have to complete for themselves and other people in their daily lives. When I first started her business procedure, it wasn’t quite so easy for me. Before I understood what causes real success in business and in life, I experienced numerous stumbles and bruises. I presently display the authority standards she discusses in her two books.

What significant achievements has your business process made?

For more than twenty years, I have worked and gained knowledge in global assessment, finance, and methodology. I have had positions with some of the largest companies, including ARAMARK, KPMG, PwC, Hughes, and ClubCar.

I figured out how to combine Eastern wisdom with Western business virtuosity to create a framework that helps chiefs fill out their initiative process significantly.

Grants are being given out to disadvantaged young women all across the world as a result of my books’ offer. I acknowledge that once you educate a young lady, she will not only be free but also deal with her family, her kin, and other local residents.

Some of the young women I’m supporting are from rural areas, so their families could never support their education. Since education enables you to pursue decisions about your financial development in this global market, I am deeply committed to helping as many young women as I can get it.

Neeti Dewan has also held positions with a number of other organizations, including the boards of Tykhe Gaming, Sun Ray Enterprises, Harvard University, and the Kennedy School Women’s Leadership Board.

Any client experiences you’d like to highlight?

Neeti Dewan worked with Matthew Erwin and Eric Marjoram to found SYMMR, a SaaS company whose robotization tech portfolio includes a product designed to eliminate manual gaps between retail location installations and administrative centre bookkeeping, charge, and ERP. Priority Holdings CTO Sean Kieiwet stated that “working with SYMMR enabled us to considerably variety our MX Merchant application store and rapidly acquire value to our clients lined up with our internal programming drives. The SYMMR group is highly acknowledged for their depth of Fintech experience and has emerged as a preferred vendor due to the quality of their products and roll-up-the-sleeves work ethic.

Which of the following do you think deserves to be at the top?

Losing oneself to the assistance of others is the best way to relax.

Mahatma Gandhi

Every one of us makes progress in life, so we should be kind and share that success with others by offering assistance, knowledge, and encouragement. That is the real significance of advancement.