LexCounsel- Committed to Protecting What Matters Most

LexCounsel | Seema Jhingan: Committed to Protecting What Matters Most | Enterprise Wired

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A corporate, business, and prosecution law firm called LexCounsel with offices in New Delhi, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, and partner offices in important Indian cities. It provides numerous legitimate sorts of aid to a variety of domestic and international organisations. The firm is regarded as a leading law firm and excels in a variety of practise areas, such as mergers and acquisitions, corporate and M&A, labour and employment, real estate, venture capital and private equity, education laws, defence and aviation, franchising, media and entertainment, dispute resolution, insolvency, software/information technology, general corporate and commercial.

Seema Jhingan, Alishan Naqvee, and Dimpy Mohanty, the founding members of LexCounsel, offer thorough legal types of assistance and arrangements in both cross-border and domestic corporate and business matters. LexCounsel was founded on best global practises.

In order to provide tailored and incredibly persuasive legal advice that is most relevant to the customers’ business demands, be they simple or complex multiparty exchanges, LexCounsel has tremendous skill, inside and out area specific comprehension, and information. The founding partners of the firm have been officially recognised as “AsiaLaw Leading Lawyers” in their respective fields of expertise, particularly in information technology, broadcast communications and media, fundraising, and confidential value and work and business.

To ensure the best delivery of legal services, LexCounsel is equipped with cutting-edge technologies, executive resources, updated library systems, and other committed emotional support networks. With a close-knit network of offices in New Delhi and Bhubaneswar, Odisha (led by Abhijeet Das, Partner), as well as partner offices in Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, and other significant urban areas, LexCounsel makes use of the specialised knowledge of a small number of experts and professionals to provide consistent, comprehensive legal business advice throughout India.

In a number of practise areas, including Corporate and M&A, Tax, TMT, Dispute Resolution, Aviation (counting guard and aviation), Real Estate and Construction, and Labour and Employment, LexCounsel has consistently been regarded as a leading firm [Sources include: Legal 500 and Asia Law and Practise, a Euromoney publication]. In 2019, ALB also regarded LexCounsel as a Tier 2 M&A warning firm.The LexCounsel suit team led by Alishan has been recognised by BW Business World Legal Awards, 2019, as the “Question Resolution Firm for the Year.”

Ms. Seema Jhingan has been involved for more than 25 years. The BW Business World Legal Awards just named Seema the “Accomplice of the Year – Overall.” Seema has also received recognition from the Indian Corporate Counsel Association in 2019 for her contributions to the Indian legal community as a “Sparkling Star of Indian Legal Fraternity” and as one of India’s “Confided in Corporate Lawyers of 2017” in its publication, “The Vanguards.” Seema works with IR Global, one of the largest professional associations in the world, as a recognised Private Equity professional.

We may learn more about the LexCounsel and its journey since its inception by speaking with Ms. Seema Jhingan.

What were the fundamental issues you encountered?

There were fewer female solicitors when I started my career as a young lawyer in 1994, and I somehow picked up on the idea that while men are preferred as the senior contending judges in courts, women are fantastic as junior partners. After a year of investigation, I discovered my actual contributions to corporate, business, and value-based regulation, all of which I continue to actively engage in.

After the adoption of the new contemporary strategy in 1991, the Indian economy began to expand, and the country began to attract a large number of foreign financial supporters. Supporting large clients in their interests in India proved to be particularly challenging due to the numerous requirements and the fact that we were unfamiliar with Indian trade laws and regulations. I reflect on the several sleepless nights and workplace stressors I experienced while correctly encouraging clients and supporting my seniors. Whatever the case, it was generally a remarkable chance for growth.

My partners and I founded LexCounsel in 2004 as a little firm with few resources, connections, or affiliations, no clients, or offices or other physical infrastructure. Since that time, we have grown in terms of size, clientele, group, and notoriety.

What was the turning moment in the Firm’s development?

Numerous testimonials from previous customers were sparked by the team’s perseverance under challenging circumstances, resilience, joy, and value-delivery job. Numerous clients were attracted to LexCounsel via consistency in work, business-oriented advice, and attention to details. The firm’s expertise in specialised fields such satellite and telecom work, education, healthcare, clinical preliminaries, biotechnology, food regulations, bankruptcy and chapter 11 practise, as well as other industries, have contributed to attracting more anticipated clients.

The responsibility placed on Alishan Naqvee to oversee the debate goal practise and Dimpy Mohanty’s focus on work, business, and improper behaviour issues both contributed to the strengthening of the Firm’s training areas. Instead of one particular event serving as the catalyst for development, I accept that LexCounsel’s ongoing, consistently high-quality work serves as that catalyst.

How have the organisational charts altered since their creation? Could you at any time offer a few insights?

LexCounsel started out with 4 legal consultants, and as of right now, we have 35 solicitors spread out over India in both independent and affiliated offices. We expanded from a single room office to a structure-filled office, complete with training areas.

What does the well-known accomplishment of your association serve to achieve?

The Firm was able to go forward with its development trajectory because to a strong team, dedication to providing high-quality services, responsiveness to clients, preparation to fulfil clients’ business requirements, trust-building with customers and partners who value working with the Firm, and significant billings.

How would you decide to urge the company to move on with your services?

To expand our training, we plan to establish more offices across India. The Firm is now a member of IR Global, International Lawyers Network, and Alliott Group, three international organisations. The members of the business often attend the yearly conferences and regional meetings of these conferences to network with international legal professionals and advisers and learn about best practises, client testimonials, business developments, and the board.

Is the list of administrations being updated in any way? Do you have anything inspiring to share?

The insolvency and bankruptcy practise has recently been added to LexCounsel. The firm’s effective educational practises encourage K–12 and higher education institutions worldwide. Clinical research and medical services continue to be strong points for particular regions. Digital currency advice is another fascinating new area.

How have you observed long-term changes in variety in the legal sector?

Since I started my career in the 1990s, when there were fewer practising female solicitors, more women have entered the legal profession. With various corporate, prosecution, and speciality practise region businesses, the legal industry is currently more diverse. As there are more law schools, more students from level 2 and level 3 cities are aspiring to work as corporate legal advisors.

Could you please tell us at any time about your professional experience?

I have a strong commitment to the latest developments in regulation since I am so passionate about the practise of regulation. After Titus and Co., I started my legal education with Singhania and Co., and in 2004, I contributed to the founding of LexCounsel.

I continue to lead LexCounsel’s corporate business practise and greatly value guiding clients through complicated legal issues, corporate structuring, and value-based topics. I enjoy working with entrepreneurs in meetings where I regularly speak.

What kind of care would you give to your representatives? What distinguishes your group as unique?

Our high-quality services are built on a strong legal foundation. Connectivity with colleagues is crucial since authentic work requires collaboration over long periods of time. Snacks, dinners, parties, and other gatherings organised by LexCounsel assist in bringing the team together while assisting our partners with client interactions, court appearances, and designation.

Our team is exceptional in its flexibility to recognise the value in the unique business need of the client, its in-depth knowledge of business law and industry, its skill at in-depth research and translating legal requirements, and its case management and execution.

Do you have any particularly noteworthy client engagement that you would want to highlight?

Some customer interactions are extraordinary. For instance, in our portrayal of Pilatus Aircraft, Switzerland, the client informed us of the establishment of the delivery service at our workplaces and recalled us for the initial delivery of Pilatus coach aeroplane to the Indian Airforce. In essence, Protostar, a US satellite-based company, invited LexCounsel to participate in the launch of its most iconic satellite as appreciation for our conscientious work on this subject. Usha Breco, a reputable ropeway client of LexCounsel, enlisted LexCounsel as its representative for media handling of the ropeway’s security protocols.

What modern women backers and litigators should concentrate on, as you indicated?

Whether you are working on a case or for a company, bring enthusiasm and dedication to your work. Never carry your calling’s orientation with you or permit others to do so. I have always thought of myself as a supporter rather than a female champion. Most restrictions, justifications, and detours are things we fight against.

Who is the one person you value most?

Zia Modi (the founder of AZB) is an expert, as is Mahatma Gandhi later on and Sudha Murthy from current times.

Whose company narrative do you find to be the most compelling?

Only a few of the stories are gripping. I seek inspiration from everyday life and people, their struggles, and their fortitude in overcoming common challenges and achieving more modest goals. The stories of everyday individuals who work hard in business, face challenges, and advance on a small scale, whether in agribusiness, water preservation, or charitable work, are quite inspiring. The business biographies of Bill Gates, Kiran Majumdar Shaw, Narayana Murthy, and Steve Jobs are all inspiring.

Which of these is the most inspiring statement you’ve read?

Eckhart Tolle’s “Force of Being Present in Now” is perhaps one of the most inspiring quotes I live by and try to follow. The key to intelligence, a conscious manner of acting, and happiness is the ability of the brain to refrain from taking part in make-believe stories or worries while being fully present and alive in the moment.

What is your take on the challenges?

Regulation is a challenging subject that necessitates lengthy, concentrated workdays with a tonne of assumptions, suppositions, fillers, disagreements, and accommodations. Participating in the task and giving reason to one’s regular labour is appropriate to avoid pressure and unease. Given that the task is confined and without internal motivation, one must “adapt.” Particularly, nothing convinces me more than meeting a client’s requirement in order to achieve its goals. Additionally, setting aside time for yourself with family, practising yoga or exercising, travelling, and reading are fantastic stress relievers. If you introduce leisure time activities, equilibrium won’t be far behind.