Aarna Law- Transforming the Legal Industry for Better Tomorrow

Aarna Law | Kamala Naganand: Transforming the Legal Industry | Enterprise Wired

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Aarna Law is a firm with experience in intricate cross-line discussions and exchanges. Despite the fact that they are often young in age, the legacy of their legal profession spans almost a century and has taught them the value of excellence, responsibility, integrity, and service to the courts, clients, profession, and wider environment.

How about we learn about the journey of Aarna Law since its inception and their contributions in a meeting with Ms. Kamala Naganand?

What were the fundamental issues you encountered?

We started out in a small room at our family’s Bangalore home, and today we are a store counsel-driven law firm with offices in Bangalore, Mumbai, and New Delhi. One of the biggest challenges has been finding the ideal people that believe in comparable value frameworks as us and who need to naturally develop with us. Having said that, we have a remarkable team of people working with us, all of whom have helped Aarna Law find its direction and grow.

What was the turning point that caused Aarna Law to develop?

We consistently assumed that our training would take place in a shop with a variety of speciality procedures, and we never had the mindset that we would develop gradually and steadily. With the addition of new and various practise zones, which have all tested and advanced us, it has been a slow and natural progression for us. A motivating factor has always been doing the work we value.

What changes have been made to Aarna Law charts since their creation? Would you ever mind sharing a few measurements?

Which began with just Shreyas and me in a single room has grown to include more than 50 people (legal advisors and non-attorneys) spread across three offices. The opening of the offices in New Delhi and Mumbai was arguably one of the most challenging and exciting things we have ever done. We intend to establish a global practise rooted in India. After India, I intend to continue serving as a mediator for international disputes at the Maxell Chamber Suites Aarna ADR in Singapore.

The people we work with, the kind of advice we provide, and our primary focus—client-driven critical thinking.

The Success Principle

What are the administrative focuses of Aarna Law? What sets your services apart from those that are searching?

Aarna Law has always placed a priority on the client and the value we add to ensure the best outcome for them. India is a very price-sensitive market, therefore it is extremely important to us that the customer feels like they are receiving value for the services we are providing them.

How would you decide to make Aarna Law a step-assist provider for your services?

We are deploying cutting-edge resources throughout all of our offices in order to improve administrative capabilities and promptly address clients’ shifting needs.

Is the list of administrations being updated in any way? Do you have anything inspiring to share?

Currently, we provide services in the following areas: litigation, corporate crisis advisory, pro bono publico, mediation, investment arbitration, commercial arbitration, intellectual property, real estate advisory, mergers and acquisitions, maritime law, insolvency and bankruptcy, air and space law, technology law, nuclear law, and mergers and acquisitions. Protections Law, Public Law, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption, Asset Tracing Recovery, and Enforcement, Corporate Advisory across many organisations.

How have you observed long-term changes in variety in the legal sector?

I was one of two distinct women working on a case at Aarna Law when I first started my career in a traditional prosecuting business. This is why we were so confident that Aarna Law had to be a similar open door firm when we first started it, which is how we ended up with 90% female employees. In an effort to make the legal aid sector really welcoming and tolerant of diversity, we have also happily provided a half-year paid maternity leave, six additional months of unpaid maternity leave, and paternity leave.

Could you please tell us at some point about your professional experience?

After earning my LLM in Intellectual Property Law from George Washington University, I studied law at the University of Law in Bangalore and started working for the renowned law firm Sundaraswamy, Ramdas, and Anandin Bangalore. After taking a 6-year gap to have my three children, I started Aarna regulation with Shreyas Jayasimha in 2013. I trained in 2017 as a middle person and have since participated in the time spent assisting with query resolution.

What were the main successes of your venture into the legal field?

Since using an adversarial approach to argument doesn’t truly assist either side come to terms with reality, I knew very early on in my career that I didn’t actually participate in it. 90% of Indian businesses are operated by families, therefore I noticed a pattern where if people came to dispute something, it was always about something else. This search for a different solution is what led me to Mediation as a form of dispute resolution, which is far more practical than I would want to believe.

It is friendlier, more helpful in the end, and keeps family and financial issues at the forefront. My career’s biggest successes, in my opinion, have been all of the intercessions that have successfully helped families and organisations and haven’t split them apart but instead brought them together. In this competitive environment, I have also enjoyed working with new businesses, growing brands, and creating new organisations.

What kind of attention would you give your representatives? What makes your team unique?

We have been at the forefront of sending women back to work, I can proudly state. We made telecommuting a part of Aarna Law’s current situation because the options for child care in India are so limited and largely relied on family. We hire women who have taken a break from their careers and are looking for a chance to perhaps contribute to the labour force once more. We had the groundwork in place to make this happen, therefore everyone at Aarna Law transitioned to remote working successfully throughout the ongoing COVID situation. We also value investing in our family members and have set up and prepared programmes to help establish authority.

There is no race that I belong to. I just want to continually be a great person and legal advisor.

Do you have any special client participation that you would want to highlight?

I might want to share this quote from a client who I won’t name: “Your group and your accomplice have been the best combination of amazing expertise and compassion. These 2 viewpoints will, in the long run, greatly benefit both your private and professional lives.

This is the highest compliment I could hope for, in my opinion. We must never forget that people turn to us when they are through extreme suffering, and my main desire is to handle other people’s problems mindfully, lessen the impact they are having on their life, and help to have an impact on them.

What modern issues should female litigators and supporters focus on, in your opinion?

The areas that people should concentrate on are:

Quality: delivering the best outcome possible to the client, acting morally, and having sway

Who is the one person you value most?

Grandpa I The late Mr. S.G. Sundarswamy, who is regarded as the bar’s dean and whose rules of conduct and management are still mentioned by people today.

Whose company narrative do you find to be the most compelling?

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has a significant impact on humanity. I find their story of selfless giving of themselves, their time, and holding open doors to be incredibly inspiring.