Asha Honeysett: A Maestro in Imparting the Art of a Fulfilling Life

Asha Honeysett - Imparting the Art of a Fulfilling Life | Light Tower | Enterprise Wired

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Personal development is a vital factor that shapes a person’s life. However, it is also the foundation of an individual’s professional development. While keeping oneself motivated at all times is easier said than done, doing so can provide a clearer path to life. 

Especially in the workplace, it can help you build a successful career and demonstrate your full potential. Keeping this in mind, numerous business leaders are imparting personality development services and playing the role of a life coach in people’s lives. One such woman business leader is Asha Honeysett, Founder of Light Tower, a personal development company.

A Personal Story Leads to the Idea

Asha’s interest in behavioral science was led by a tragic mishap. After an unfortunate accident, her father was left with a 68 percent disability due to severe trauma to the brain. To help her father and other patients like him, she decided to pursue behavioral science and completed a Bachelor in Psychological Science (Hons I) and a Master of Clinical Psychology.

She has spent the last 15 years immersed in understanding what defines someone’s quality of life. Beyond her studies, she credits her father for being her greatest teacher in what it means to transcend the human condition, move beyond pain, and live with inner peace and purpose.

Settled in Australia and leading a happy life with her husband, Asha is sought for her skills across countries. She takes pride in uplifting those around her. Her clients are now recognized for tackling well-being differently in the workspace. They are the recipients of various national awards, including being the Finalist for ‘Wellness Initiative of the Year 2021’ by the Australian Law Awards.

Asha Honeysett adds, “My passion is simple – help people alleviate their (often-silent) suffering, access and live from the best that is within them, and inspire them to pay it forward in their most meaningful endeavors. People’s state of being is contagious, and if we train people how to have their set-point as the best that is within them, they naturally uplift others wherever they go and the ripple effect is exponential.” 

An Exclusive Framework

Asha created the ‘Diamond Mind to Manifestation Model,’ a cutting-edge model of reality that unifies scientific fields and elegantly unfolds to demonstrate the emergent process of self-actualization. It acts as a game changer in the high-performance industry. The models are specifically designed to break the high-performance-burn-out pattern and train participants from the inside out. It incorporates the necessary processes and practices for sustained high performance and fulfillment across all domains of life.

She recognizes that providing disruptive solutions related to mental health and high performance via elevating consciousness comes at a cost. However, she believes that the cost not to embark on it is greater.

The early life experiences gave her a deep appreciation for the fact that the storms of life will hit, and it’s how people respond, and more importantly, who you become, makes the difference for long-term sustainable success, as well as living a fulfilled life. Born in Darwin, Australia, Asha always felt deeply connected to her homeland and believes those early years were central to how she grew up to see the world around her. 

Faced Matters Head-on

Asha believes anything that is new needs to be developed from ground zero. We should learn from others who have walked the path we are into now, to optimize growth. As a health professional, she implemented a different mindset to enter into the entrepreneurial arena. She had the enthusiasm to stand out and find integrative ways of being. She challenged the status quo of how well-being and human potential are foreseen. With this opinion, she also says that having the right support team is essential who holds the passion. 

When disastrous conditions arise, it is important to be at a choice point, says Asha Honeysett. The mind imagines the worst-case scenario most of the time. The reactive part of the brain doesn’t know the difference between a real experience and an unreal experience. To be focused, some basic self-care practices need to be practiced by humans. We need to peek into our minds and set our sights on what is the most vital to us at a given time. 

Hard Work Leads to Triumph

Asha Honeysett has been recognized as among the ‘Top 20 Life Coaches to Lookout For in 2022′ by Entrepreneurs Herald, NYC Journal. As a psychologist and corporate consultant Asha has had the pleasure of working with several large organizations, including in male-dominated fields. About the women-centric initiatives she believes that being able to contribute to these programs for enhancing women’s leadership via enhancing the psychology and understanding of why humans respond the way they do, seems to be again moving the needle on what is possible in creating deep and insightful workplaces. 

Asha’s work has already received global limelight, as she is the recipient of the Hall of Fame awards for eminent personalities. She is among the Top 20 Life Coaches. She believes mental health isn’t just for tough times; it’s crucial for maximizing progress, pursuing dreams, and enjoying life fully. 

Covid’s Impact

After many years of delivering therapy to people from all walks of life, Asha Honeysett began to recognize the edges of practicing psychology in traditional settings and using traditional modalities. She hit the ground running when the pandemic first hit. While working in a private practice at the time she saw traditional services become overwhelmed with long and expanding waitlists. 

With seemingly no end in sight, it quickly became obvious that there was a need for an alternative to access traditional support for how to not only adapt but thrive in the new landscape. Having a strong interest in growth following adversity and what creates the highest quality of life from the inside out, she decided to start offering high-performance mindset practices to help ensure people came out of the Corona era more resilient and self-actualized than ever before. 

She firmly believes in gaining mastery of the discipline. One’s life force is taken on when a person is fully immersed in his/her passions by continued hunger. In this way, Light Tower came about- to serve as a light for the darkness for those who are trying to answer the inner calling. The company teaches models of self-transcendence based on the principle of consilience.

Strength is the Weakness

Asha Honeysett states her strength is her weakness too. It is like a switch that doesn’t seem to turn off for her. Her strength also includes her insights. She says people need to take time to heal, learn more, and become more of who they truly are, she believes the world will be a better place.

The Diamond Mind Program

The Diamond Mind Program trains the three core facets of the mind’s processing ability. Elevating conscious awareness, activating your highest-order intentions, and training your focused attention. The model moves you out of distraction and into optimal action for your highest vision of the future. Asha Honeysett highlights a great quote by Jim Rohn,

It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.

In addition, she has shared a list of questions that one can ask themselves to refocus the mind after the storm has hit. 

Here are those questions:  

  • What am I aware of in this situation?
  • What is my mind attempting to tell me as the “truth of this situation?”
  • Is it possible that my mind has reminded me of an old fear or an old story in an attempt to keep me safe in this situation? 
  • To move forward in a meaningful way, what do I need to let go of?
  • What past hurt, what old story, what thinking habits, feeding habits, and behavioral habits?
  • What do I need to align myself with to transcend this circumstance?
  • What empowering thoughts, what emotional state, what behaviors?
  • What is my highest-order vision of the future in this area of my life and who do I need to become to move towards it?

Maneuvering Through the Depths

Asha Honeysett’s philosophy revolves around securing her most meaningful goals, the 3 deep C’s—deep curiosity, deep care, and deep commitment. She believes that when a person can train the mind to be deeply curious, they can suspend judgment and get back into generating creative solutions. Deep care enables lasting connections as one co-creates the most meaningful outcomes, as success isn’t a solo pursuit. The deep commitment allows us to stay the course even when the going gets tough.

Asha Honeysett says, “The world is at a critical point of change and people are hungry to experience the best that life has to offer. This has created an openness and willingness to explore the self and what is possible like never before. It is deeply meaningful for me to be able to contribute to this need at this time, offering a light for the darkness and a unified system to guide and cultivate – the purpose within.”



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